Re: [AD] Tests to verify if a RC is fine?

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> > I'm wondering if apart from installing 4.2.0, maybe we should
> > "require" at least 20 popular games which worked with 4.0.x to
> > compile and work with 4.2.0 out of the box? Just to make sure it's
> > really source compatible?

Yes, this sounds like a reasonable idea. It will also help to highlight
bugs that do not show up in a limited test-case environment.

> At the very minimum I think all of the pre zipup steps should have been
> run, I
> have a person in #allegro who couldn't build any of the 4.2 releases
> because
> the asm def files and the allegro.def files didnt exist...
> Maybe make a nice little script on the server that does all of the
> needed
> steps to make a release mostly automatically?

It is mostly automatic already. The def files should be generated
automatically by the script (and, for allegro.def - but
you don't want to rerun that for the stable branch because doing so breaks
ABI compatibility, reportedly).
Is this the RC2 release? Or an earlier one?


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