[AD] NT4 & DX3 (fwd)

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The following PM might be interesting to look into. Personally, I don't 
care much either way and I don't know if there is any benefit to using the 
newer DX code. My understanding was that it shouldn't, although this 
thread, http://www.allegro.cc/forums/view_thread.php?_id=531209, may 
suggest otherwise.


 At 25-09-2005 22:40, Inphernic wrote:

As Matthew pointed out, the latest DirectX NT4 officially supports is 3. 
But anyway - I still think this may be worth adding, so I took the time 
and threw some #ifs around. Basically, the changes are all now like this:

    #if DIRECTDRAW_VERSION <= 0x0600
    // old DX3 version
    // new DX7+ version

    Now, wddraw.h defines DIRECTDRAW_VERSION, but I added #ifndef around 
it, so DIRECTDRAW_VERSION can be defined as 0x0700 if necessary before 

    I don't think there's a better way (at the moment) to do this, writing 
a new driver or something like that is (imo) really overkill, as there 
isn't that much difference between the two versions.

    At any rate, the diffs are now here:


    Hopefully it will be of some use. :) 

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