Re: [AD] Documentation update

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On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 23:56 +0200, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:

> > What about using "dat" or 'dat' or `dat´ instead of `dat'? I
> > thought we agreed in that last discussion that `' is bad.. or
> > did I misunderstand,
> Yes, you misunderstood. The people who made your font were bad.
> But here's a fix for you.

Ok, I see.. the misunderstanding all the time was that I was talking
about the .tx source files, and not the output.

To be absolutely clear this time, I'm trying to argue for removing all `
chars out of ._tx files :)

My reasons are as follows:

- Every font will display ` as falling left, ´ as falling right, and '
as straight. Also the unicode tables have it like that. (Unless I'm very
mistaken here, and my Gnome's unicode system is set up wrong somehow.) A
solution to this would be to use `quoted´ - but see also the following

- ' is much easier to type than ` and ´ (on a German keyboard at least)

- same-quotes are easier to write in general, at least all wiki's I've
seen use only same-quotes. Also quoting in source code of all
programming languages I know always uses same-quotes.

Elias Pschernig

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