Re: [AD] makedoc

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Oh, and a question for the XML expert, there is currently no way to
distinguish between a struct and a typedefd struct.

The DTD allows 3 things to be defined in an <apisection>: <function>,
<variable>, and <typedef>

A <typedef> can contain a <struct> or a <union>.

There are two ways to solve it. One is, make <struct> and <union> be
allowed inside <apisection>.

Or alternately, add an attribute to <typedef>.

The latter would be somewhat hackish, but require no additional
processing by whoever processes the XML - so, I'm not sure what should
be done. Or maybe I'm missing something, and there's alreafy a way to do

The only problem case in allegro._tx would be "struct al_ffblk" btw. -
but since ._tx should be generally useable, need to resolve this in any

Elias Pschernig

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