Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.0 RC2

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Compiles fine on the Mac, one warning: (patch attached)

examples/exlights.c: In function `blit_magic_format_to_screen':
examples/exlights.c:369: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

I'm working on a binary installer, just need to iron out a few problems...

By the way, does makedoc have to be so verbose? It gives out pages of output listing each and every file it's read or processed.


Attachment: exlights.c.diff
Description: Binary data

On Sunday, August 28, 2005, at 08:07  am, Peter Wang wrote:

It's been uploaded.  Elias or Grzegorz needs to update the web pages.

Matthew, you were offering to do the Windows binaries, correct?


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