Re: [AD] Preparing for RC2

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On Friday 26 August 2005 07:01 pm, Peter Wang wrote:
> I will be packaging up RC2 tomorrow.  Please point out any patches which
> I've missed or if there are any showstoppers.

What's going to be done about using the mouse on non-video bitmaps? I don't 
believe we reached a concensus about that. If you use show_mouse on a memory 
bitmap, you'll get errors when you try to draw to the same area of the target 
bitmap at the same time as the mouse timer since there is no mutex, nor does 
scare_mouse effect the mouse on memory bitmaps.

IMO, we should disallow show_mouse on non-video bitmaps since there's really 
no reason to have it (the async drawing won't be visible in real-time, which 
is the whole point of it), and any current program that may be trying to most 
likely has errors up the yin-yang because of these problems..

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