Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.0 RC2

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Peter Wang wrote:

On 2005-08-28, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2005-08-28, Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's been uploaded.  Elias or Grzegorz needs to update the
web pages.
RC1 wasn't announced on the web. I presumed it was close to being
the final thing being released shortly. So, should I put a notice
about RC1 or leave it "hidden".

I think it should be left hidden.  I made the patch package against
beta4, for example.

Practically, I see no difference
between beta or RC, if things continue this way.

Is that your way of saying this release process is stupid? :-)

I think it's a combination of various factors:
- being wary of reaching 4.2.0, after which we have less flexibility in
 what changes we want to make;
- always wanting to stick in "one last feature/bugfix";
- starting too early with the betas (IMHO most of them could have just
 been WIPs, but we did get a lot more bug reports);
- being a bit sloppy.

I think we're very close now though.  Can we agree that the next release
ought to be the last release before 4.2.0, or 4.2.0 itself?

thats like saying "can we predict there are no more bugs that will make 4.2.0 broken"
i dont think we can.  because no-one really knows what is worthy of a 4.2.0
just seems like these numbers some how expect it to be close to perfect, which it will never be. its only a library, even kernels get released with known bugs, in short ... just do it already!

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