[AD] 64bit portability warnings under MSVC7.1

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Attached is a build log (rar format) using the msvc7.1 compiler with
warning levels -W4 -Wp64 instead of the -W3 normally used in

Many of these are red herrings, but some could be real bugs. The
problem is, most of these occur in macros, so it is difficult - if not
impossible - to debug easily.

As a side note: in blit.c (and possibly other files), there are _lower
case_ macros defined, used (internally), but not undefined. Although
this won't cause problems to the user using allegro (they are used
only in the compilation of the library), it is bad style (for
consistency reasons). Should I make them upper case and release a

Attachment: log.rar
Description: application/force-download

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