Re: [AD] MSVC 8 cl flags

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On Friday 19 August 2005 03:20 pm, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> So relax, although you might see some frustrated Microsoft bashing now and
> then, plans to drop MSVC support altogether aren't very realistic, in my
> opinion.

Mine as well. If MSVC 6 and 7 work, there's no reason to purposely break them. 
However, I am concerned about turning off deprecation warnings for MSVC 8, 
since that would kill the warnings for the deprecated functions Allegro 
already has (even though I disagree with those warnings, it's been made a 
point that they're wanted for a reason). And when the 4.3 starts coming out, 
where large portions of the API will be deprecated in favor of the new API, I 
would like to have deprecation warnings there to alert programmers that the 
new API is available.

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