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Chris wrote:
The ones I looked up didn't. Which ones do? I'm not talking about things like
deprecating sprintf in favor of snprintf. But deprecating memcpy in favor of
memcpy_s, fopen in favor of fopen_s. Things like that.
both fopen_s and memcpy_s have different prototype
True. But even though Microsoft doesn't say what the new incompatiblities are,
I'd still say there was no reason to deprecate the original functions. You
deprecate things that are ultimately going to be removed, or at the very
least things that aren't going to be actively supported. So, if Microsoft is
planning on removing (or removing support for) a major part of standard libc,
where would that leave us? Why continue supporting something that has no
intention of supporting us?
In MS aren't idiots (maybe). They are not going to remove standard
functions. It's like Java. In Java Standard library are deprecated
method since 1.1 or so and nobody even plans to remove them. It's just
mark: don't use it or be extremelly carefull.
Who knows, maybe if enough people don't fall into this trap of using the new
"secure" functions
Soon or later will somebody reimplement it under some free licence.
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