Re: [AD] MIDI not working with Fedora Core 4

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On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 21:30 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:

> It looks as if your midi driver isn't loaded, or your card doesn't do MIDI, 
> otherwise you should be seeing at least 2 MIDI ports for your card, pluss 
> things like Midi Through, etc.

So, it is not a bug in Allegro - if the specified midi driver can't be
found, install_sound will fail. You can try use the DIGMID driver, it
will always work (but you need to install a patches.dat). For what it's
worth, you can also get Allegro to play through timidity over ALSA, but
when I tried it it was too much hassle to get working to be of actual
use yet.

Elias Pschernig

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