Re: Re: [AD] set_config_file jumping around on OS X bundles

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> From: Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Can we still add an entry to the system driver? Then we could solve this
> properly instead of adding another hack.
> char *system_driver.get_path(int type, int name)
> name would be the name of my game, type would be one of (and what it
> would return in linux):

As long as all your games have numeric names, like '1984', '3036' etc ;) 
> Possibly we could later add more type constants, but these 4 are the
> ones I would use right now.
We are thinking along the same lines, this is some code that I wrote for KQ
/* Get the directory for application data (music, gfx, etc.)
   or user data (screenshots, prefs, saved games)
const char *kqres (int dir_id, const char *file);
#define DATA_DIR       0
#define MAP_DIR        1
#define SAVE_DIR       2
#define MUSIC_DIR      3
#define SCRIPT_DIR     4
#define SETTINGS_DIR   5

#define PCX_DATAFILE   kqres(DATA_DIR, "mpcx.dat")
#define SPELL_DATAFILE kqres(DATA_DIR, "ssprites.dat")
#define SOUND_DATAFILE kqres(DATA_DIR, "kqsnd.dat")

Obviously these are a bit game specific but you get the idea...


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