Re: [AD] set_config_file jumping around on OS X bundles

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Back on topic ... :P
I've groked the code now, but what is it supposed to do in the ideal world? I'm assuming it will look in the current directory for a 'bare' exe, and in the bundle's resource directory for a bundle. Is that OK for 4.2? I think for 4.3 a more advanced hierarchy of configs is needed, which works consistently cross-platform


On Monday, August 22, 2005, at 06:05  pm, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

- Decide if this isn't a bit late to go into 4.2.0

In my opinion, it is. I think we're beyond the `add function to vtable'

- If yes, find a way what to do for 4.2.0 (some platform specific
  set_config_file/override_config_file magic)

If at all possible, let's try to resolev this before thursday.


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