Re: [AD] Zero sized bitmaps

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what if after you create a 0x1 or 1x0 (which ever it was that was allowed) and you attempt to access the ->line[] will that cause a crash ?

i'd prefer to return NULL for bitmaps 0x1 or 1x0 sized bitmaps.

Matthew Leverton wrote:
Chris wrote:

extra memory for the line[] array). A proper fix (if you don't want to return
NULL), would simply be:

if (height>0) {
 bitmap->line[0] = bitmap->dat;
 for (i=1; i<height; i++)
    bitmap->line[i] = bitmap->line[i-1] + width *

I created a patch from the above code and tested under MSVC 8. It no
longer crashes when destroying 0x0 bitmaps. I don't care which route
is taken, as long as any non NULL bitmap passed back to the user can
be destroyed without a crash. :)

Matthew Leverton

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