Re: [AD] Preparing for RC2

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On Saturday 27 August 2005 12:02 am, Victor wrote:
> No please! I ALWAYS show the mouse in memory bitmaps. With this technic
> is easy to avoid flickering in cases where i don't care with
> performance. And  when drawing the mouse in memory bitmaps i can easily
> create some effects like multiple mouse cursors moving synchrounous
> (for a game). Or create a mouse pointer in a moving bitmap.

It'd be better to just use
draw_sprite(memory_bmp, mouse_sprite, mouse_x, mouse_y);
before blitting to the screen. Showing the mouse on a memory bitmap causes the 
mouse to be drawn to it over and over and over again where it'll never be 
seen, and if you try to draw to the bitmap at the same time as the mouse 
timer, you'll get undefinable behavior (mouse droppings and/or incomplete 

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