Re: [AD] new_api_branch: al_create_display and blit patch

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On Monday 16 May 2005 17:33, Robert Ohannessian wrote:
> AGL uses flags for a completely different purpose than the Allegro API.
> The flags in Allegro specify the *operation* that should be done. In
> AGL, it specifies the *options* that should be used.
> Granted, it's a semantic difference.
> I feel more strongly about putting the flags in front for Allegro, but I
> won't argue for it. They go in either front or back.

I think Bob has a good point here. I think if the function prototype were 
written as
void al_blit(int how, source params, dest params) 
instead of
void al_blit(int flags, source params, dest params) 
we might not even have the discussion of wether flags go in back or in 

My initial reaction, as I said, was also `wtf... flags should go in the 
back!', but when I thought more about it and played with the 
implementation and some samples of how it would be used, I actually did 
find `operation in front' more logical and easy to work with.

In other words, I propose to give it a chance. Afterall, the idea is to 
make a new API that is well-thought out. Personally, I also have no big 
objections to implementing it one way now and switching around if we 
decide we really can't stand it afterall while the code is this early in 


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