RE: [AD] No more video/system bitmaps

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On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 20:23 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

> Well, I agree that I don't much like the idea of to much going on behind
> the user's back without his or her consent. I do think we can let Allegro
> handle bitmap storage based on usage, but only if the user requests it. In
> other words, I think the user should manually call an
> al_optimise_bitmaps(), say after calling al_flip_display() (or less often
> if they so choose).
> (off-topic: if we want to spell that as al_optimize_bitmaps() perhaps
> someone should keep a watchful eye on patches I may make for this).

Sure :) And for the API, I guess it is much more important to be
consistent than for the docs.. so let's just decide to use US spelling
for all API names.

Elias Pschernig

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