Re: [AD] Potential color conversion bug

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Robert Ohannessian wrote:

Peter, are you sure that in 16-bpp the software conversion routines are
used? ie, can you trace through the code?


Here's a backtrace from where it hits the real OpenGL code (glDrawPixels)
(gdb) bt
#0  allegro_gl_screen_blit_from_memory (source=0x80cd388, dest=0x80c34c0,
   source_x=0, source_y=0, dest_x=0, dest_y=0, width=64, height=64)
   at src/glvtable.c:506
#1  0x400433d7 in allegro_gl_memory_blit_between_formats (src=0x80cd388,
   dest=0x80c34c0, source_x=0, source_y=0, dest_x=0, dest_y=0, width=64,
   height=64) at src/glvtable.c:2135
#2  0x40092930 in blit (src=0x80cd388, dest=0x80c34c0, s_x=0, s_y=0, d_x=0,
   d_y=0, w=64, h=64) at src/blit.c:710
#3  0x4005f55b in allegro_gl_video_blit_to_memory (source=0x80cd320,
   dest=0x80c34c0, source_x=0, source_y=0, dest_x=0, dest_y=0, width=64,
   height=64) at src/videovtb.c:642
#4  0x400433a0 in allegro_gl_memory_blit_between_formats (src=0x80cd320,
   dest=0x80c34c0, source_x=0, source_y=0, dest_x=0, dest_y=0, width=64,
   height=64) at src/glvtable.c:2128
#5  0x40092930 in blit (src=0x80cd320, dest=0x80c34c0, s_x=0, s_y=0, d_x=0,
   d_y=0, w=64, h=64) at src/blit.c:710
#6  0x0804ce62 in test(BITMAP*) (bm=0x80cd320) at
#7  0x0804cfdb in main () at
#8  0x4033e8ae in __libc_start_main () from /lib/
From allegro_gl_memory_blit_between_formats (frame #4) it jumps into allegro_gl_video_blit_to_memory, and from there, right back to blit again (frame #2), but this time using vid->memory_copy as the source bitmap.

Hope this helps,


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