Re: [AD] Patch for the documentation of polygon_z_normal()

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 15:52 +0200, Andrei Ellman wrote:

I think that if I give an example for how to use the alternative method which does not use polygon_z_normal(), then it crosses the line for being part of the docs for polygon_z_normal(). Do you think that a discussion on back-face culling should go in the bit at the begining of the "3D math routines" section, or in the FAQ? Bear in mind that we probably don't want to turn the Allegro docs into a 3D-graphics tutorial.

Hm, true. I think, back-face culling is something basic enough to
include there though (as opposed to e.g. lighting). But don't know.

So should this go to the beginning of the "3D math routines" section, the FAQ, or elsewhere?

In any case, don't forget to re-submit a patch for the polygon_z_normal
docs with all the other things mentioned so far :)

OK. I'll do that once we've established where the docs about backface culling should go.

An example like that certainly would be nice. I remember, something like
that even was the example program Peter made for his Allegro 5 attempt
back then :)

I think that instead of a new example, exzbuf.c would be a good candidate to modify, as that has two objects that are close to the screen but remain stationary. Would demonstrating two concepts (z-buffering and vertex-illumination) be too much for a single Allegro example?


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