Re: [AD] Allegro on OpenBSD

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> The compilation errors in uossmidi.c were due to missing define's in
> soundcard.h. OpenBSD's soundcard.h is very different from Linux's
> soundcard.h. Attached is OpenBSD's soundcard.h for reference. I am
> looking through the OpenBSD OSS API,
>, but this is really not my
> forte and Im not so sure I will be able to solve the midi problem in
> OpenBSD.

Worst case, we could modify the configure check and disable OSS midi on

> I removed the -f flag from the ps call in src/unix/usystem.c and
> get_executable_name works fine now but I have another suggestion. Maybe
> Im missing something but if the point of the function is to return the
> current executable name why cant Allegro just combine getcwd() with
> argv[0]? Allegro on Unix can already manipulate argv/argc via
> src/unix/umain.c so why not steal argv[0] and stuff that into some
> Allegro global variable?

Because umain isn't used by default on UNIX (in other words, the UNIX port
doesn't need END_OF_MAIN()) - so we don't have acces to argv[0]. It's
possible to change this with a configure option (--enable-magicmain).
If there's a different way to get the executable name under OpenBSD, I'd
rather use that - otherwise the configure check could be adjusted to be
active only when needed.

> On a side note get_executable_name doesnt seem like it should change so
> it seems like allegro_init() should call it once and cache that
> somewhere, too.

Yup. The same thought occured to me a while back. I'll see if I have time
to make that change.

> BTW, the split_modex_screen symbol is still missing in CVS.

I know, we haven't agreed on an ultimate solution yet. Can you try Peter's
patch from yesterday and see if it works ok for you?


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