[AD] Allegro on OpenBSD

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I had some free time and a spare hard drive so I installed OpenBSD recently. I also compiled Allegro( 4.2.0 beta 2 ) for it and here is my story: * Everything compiled fine except for src/unix/uossmidi.c. I reconfigured with --disable-ossmidi and this compiliation error went away. * I got errors about split_modex_screen not being defined, but I saw some emails recently about this being fixed so Im not worried about it. I just didnt compile the programs that needed this symbol. * When linking allegro programs with the default allegro-config I got errors about _oss_ioctl not being found. I added -lossaudio to allegro-config which fixed this.
* When starting *any* Allegro program I get the following output from ps:
~/archives/scratch/c++/star kazzmir $ ./star
ps: unknown option -- f
usage: ps [-][aCcehjklmrSTuvwx] [-M core] [-N system] [-O fmt] [-o fmt] [-p pid]
         [-t tty] [-U username] [-W swap]
      ps [-L]
ps: unknown option -- f
usage: ps [-][aCcehjklmrSTuvwx] [-M core] [-N system] [-O fmt] [-o fmt] [-p pid]
         [-t tty] [-U username] [-W swap]
      ps [-L]
ps: unknown option -- f
usage: ps [-][aCcehjklmrSTuvwx] [-M core] [-N system] [-O fmt] [-o fmt] [-p pid]
         [-t tty] [-U username] [-W swap]
      ps [-L]
~/archives/scratch/c++/star kazzmir $

Allegro programs run fine, however, just that junk is printed before hand. I havent looked into most of these problems, except for figuring out which library has _oss_ioctl in it, but if anyone has any ideas on how to solve them or is generally interested in having me persue them I will.

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