[AD] allegro-config on OS X |
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I came across a strange thing today. `allegro-config --libs` yields the
libraries for the last variant of Allegro that I installed. i.e if I do
sudo make install DEBUGMODE=1
sudo make install
then allegro-config --libs gives me -L/usr/local/lib -lalleg-4.2.0
-lalleg-main -framework Cocoa
If I do
sudo make install
sudo make install DEBUGMODE=1
then allegro-config --libs gives me -L/usr/local/lib -lalld-4.2.0
-lalld-main -framework Cocoa
If I explicitly put allegro-config --libs release or allegro-config
--libs debug, then I get the requested variant.
I suspect, though I haven't tested it yet, that a similar thing happens
for make STATICLINK=1 install: if that was the last thing installed,
allegro-config --libs defaults to the static version. You have to
specify --shared or --static to guarantee the version that is used.
Is this 'defaulting' behaviour correct and if so, is it desirable? I
always assumed that allegro-config --libs was a synonym for
allegro-config --libs release.
Hope that made sense,