[AD] On const and AL_CONST.

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Throughout the Source there are 154 'const's (as reported by msvc).
Some of these are in comments, while most in the c++ fix wrapper; the
rest are sprinkled throughout the code, and many times used right
after an AL_CONST declaration (see file.c, line 586 for example).

If I remember correctly, the AL_CONST is useful because some platforms
do not support the const identifier. Is this still needed (does
allegro actually support - work on - any compilers that do not support
const)? If yes then I'll change all stray const references to AL_CONST
(but why aren't there any reports of problems with these references?)
If no, it would be nice to change all 'AL_CONST's to 'const's for the
sake of following the standards (and cleaning up the Source).

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