Re: [AD] Gentoo Linux and 4.2.0 betas

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Just a quick `wtf' comment:

> By the way, I have added '--disable-asm' configure option because of
> severalr easons:
> 1. It did not build (beta2) without this option on amd64

It does (or rather, should). AMD64 should be detected by configure if it
runs on a native AMD64 system. Just to be clear: I run gentoo Linux on an
AMD64 (in 64 bit mode) myself. This needs investigation.

Also note that building the `plain C UNIX version' gives a different
library than the `AMD64 native' build, though only subtly so (you miss out
on CPUID and maybe some optimisation switches and that's about it).

> "beta2 sets CFLAGS from configure.  That's evil.  Probably
> needs to be patched and the fix sent upstream."

As Peter said, none of us are autoconf experts. If you can help out with
this, please.


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