Re: [AD] active_menu_player bug

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On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 18:03 +0200, Julien Cugnière wrote:
> Hi,
> In src/gui.c, when d_menu_proc opens a new menu, it sets the global pointer 
> "active_menu_player". This pointer is only ever used for menus started by 
> d_menu_proc.
> There is a non documented assumption that the menu player designated by 
> active_menu_player was started by a d_menu_proc that is part of the currently 
> active dialog.
> When a new dialog is started while the current one has a menu open, the 
> assumption is broken: the currently active menu and the currently active 
> dialog do not match anymore. This leads to a crash.
> The attached patch documents the assumption, enforces it with an ASSERT (more 
> might be needed), and fixes the crash by making init_dialog close the 
> active_menu_player if necessary.

Makes sense. But what I'm wondering, how can you open a new dialog while
a menu is open? As soon as you click anywhere, it will close..

> However, I don't claim to fully understand the code in gui.c (it is rather
> intricate :-), so my fix might not be the best one, or even correct!

Yes, the gui code is quite a mess, unfortunately.

Elias Pschernig

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