[AD] compiling without asm

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I just noticed that with 4.2.0 beta( and I think cvs ) that ./configure --with-asm=no will try to compile src/i386/icsprite.c. In include/compiled.h, however, if asm is turned off then a compiled sprite is just

struct RLE_SPRITE;

and so as you can imagine icsprite.c fails to compile. Does anyone know more about this before I delve into the problem further? I guess it could be fixed by either not compiling icsprite.c( hard ) or putting a #define around all the icsprite code( easy ).

Another question, maybe should be another email, but is this the option I would use to not produce a liballeg_unsharable.a file? For those unaware I produced scheme bindings to SDL but finally convinced my professors that Allegro has more functionality so we should use that. Having a statically linked .a file is problematic for the way the scheme system works, though, so Id really like to get rid of it. Can it go away in the future by default?

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