Re: [AD] X hardware cursors fix

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On Monday 28 March 2005 22:08, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Well, there's probably no need to have an example of show_os_cursor at
> all, it should be quite self-explanatory. I attached another version of
> my initial patch, this time taking a much simpler route - I just labeled
> it a low level function, which is not to be used together with the other
> API. Yes, I'm lazy.

That's fine. The last thing we need is mutiple levels of clever hacks ;)

+   the Alllegro window. The return value can be used to see if this
Typo, I'll fix it before applying.

Also, GFX_SYSTEM_CURSOR isn't set in gfx_capabilities by show_os_cursor. I 
know it's ugly, but it's there and currently the only way to query if 
Allegro has a system cursor displayed right now. Doesn't hurt to set this 
flag. I can do that too before applying.

> But actually, there's nothing to be gained by figuring out what's the
> best thing to do if they are mixed in certain ways, and setting various
> internal variables and flags - the function works and is useful, but the
> preferred way should be the normal show_mouse API (which just currently
> is not generally useful due to the asynchronous drawing from a timer
> thread, agnostic of the current update method used by the program).



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