Re: [AD] midi length + midi frequency

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On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 10:34 -0800, Kate wrote:
> To answer your MIDI timer question...
> Let's take a standard song of 120 beats per minute...
> That means that there are 120 beats in 60 seconds, or 120 quarter notes 
> every 60 seconds.
> So that's 2 quarter notes per second.
> Therefore, there are 4 eighth notes per second, 8 sixteenth notes per 
> second, 16 thirty second notes per second, and 32 sixty fourth notes per 
> second. 
> So yes, if the midi timer updates 40 times a second, it can play all 
> 64th notes of a song with a BPM of 120. 
> There's a point however, that the human ear stops distinguishing the 
> time intervals between notes.  =P
> If Allegro buffers midi info so that in the end all notes are played 
> even though some are crunched together if they are less than 1//40th of 
> a second apart, there shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks, makes sense. I'll not apply the frequency changing function.

Elias Pschernig

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