Re: [AD] Patch to thanks._tx and demo.c

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In decreasing order of problem severity (most severe first), I did:
- Fixed demo.c so every authors with " (email unknown)." after their name will appear in the credits. (Up to now, demo.exe ignores every author whose name is not followed by a " (<email>" string. Note the blank space before '(' ).

I think it's probably ok to simply remove the space before the opening parenthesis in the demo.c file.
I've tried it. It breaks "load_credits(void)". To remove the need of this "inconvenient" blank space, we would have to study deeply how load_credits parses thanks._tx.

- Removed some unnecessary blank spaces in the blank lines that separates the author credits entries.

Be careful with doing that. I agree it is cleaner to do so, and it is probably ok in this case. In general, this screws up the ability to easily reverse previous patches or get diffs between one revision and another. I don't think it matters in this case, but it does for source files and possibly the documentation source.
I did it because most of the blank lines didn't have these three blank spaces, so to make sure the parsers will parse correctly thanks._tx I removed them. But I'm not sure if it was really needed. Just I didn't want to spend time studying the parsers.

- "Haruhiko Okumura" : His street address was being in the place of his e-mail (I belive it was a very old record in thanks._tx). So I added the (email unknown) after his name, to make him visible in the demo game. But that would make the first line of his entry too long. I don't know if this can lead to problems. So I moved his street address to the last line of his entry. So now, his address will appear after his contribution in the demo. Is this OK or we should think in another solution? Simply delete his address doesn't seems to me to be a good one, because then we would lost contact with him.

Frankly, I don't think many of the email addresses listed are still accurate either. It's probably ok to remove it - afterall, we don't know for a fact that he still lives there! The docs used to list Shawn's postal address including a description of how to get there from the railwaystation. It's been removed though (I think it had its charm, even if it was hardly useful).

You are the boss.

- "Julien Cugnière" and "Ville Skyttä" names aren't displayed correctly in the demo program, because it doesn't recognises letters with diacritical marks (accents).

Hmm... have you tried playing with the text encoding settings? I'm not sure we need to be that worried about this though...
No. And I'm not thinking to play with it. I just wanted to report the issue.


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