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On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 14:28 +0100, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> As a followup to this, how do people feel about expanding the font vtable
> with a few functions? These could be for scaling the font or setting the
> font size. The current vtables wouldn't do anything with this, but the
> catch is that this would be a nice addon an external true-type font
> library can hook into.
> If noone objects, I'll have a look at what could be useful in that context
> and add it.
Besides sizing I can think of anti-alising,
bold/underline/italics/strike-through. Some font types support different
anti-aliasing/hinting methods. Hm, and things like changing character
spacing. Querying ascend/descend would be useful sometimes as well. Oh,
and mirroring/rotating/shearing of fonts definitely would be useful.
I think most can stay addon specific though - probably sizing and font
style, maybe AA could go into the vtable. Don't need to though.
What I think is more important, is better addons. E.g. alfont supports a
lot of stuff, but defined its own ALFONT type, and made a myriad of
single functions, instead of e.g. a function alfont_set_aa(font) or
alfont_set_bold(font). They would work perfectly well without being in a
vtable, but if the vtable encourages addon writers to fill everything
in, maybe it's a good idea to do it :)
Elias Pschernig