[AD] Updated todo

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I updated the todo.txt file with some of the things that need to be sorted 
out for the 4.2 release. This list is probably incomplete.
Oh, don't pay too much attention to if something is grouped under wishlist 
or under todo... there was a distinction when I started but then I thought 
of some other things that should be there and just added them to the 
wishlist instead of the todo list.
It should really all be done.

At this point, I think there are quite a few changes from 4.1.17 already. 
Maybe the next release should be called 4.1.18 WIP rather than 4.2.0RC1, 
even if the branch goes into feature-freeze after the release?

For the release, Elias&Chris, when do you think you have had enough time to 
look at Peter's PACKFILE work? I'd really want it to make 4.2... so at 
this point the final deadline before feature freeze more or less depends 
on it ;)


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