Re: [AD] race condition when removing/adding ints

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Elias Pschernig wrote:

The second removes the keyboard timer from the X11 keyboard driver, and
ideally the same would be done with all ports (even DOS does without
it!). But it seems, DOS and X11 have the advantage to get the key repeat
from the HW/the OS - while DirectX discards that information for us.
Again, would need a windows/DX expert to know how to get key repeat
info. Maybe using winapi functions to get keys instead?

In the new_api_branch use Win32 `waitable timers' to set up repeat events at the wkeybdnu.c level, rather than higher up. You should be able to do the same thing in the trunk.

In any case,
with these two patches, the X11 port works smoothly for me (32bit), no
deadlocks so far - and the testcase from works fine now.

I'll try it out later.


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