Re: [AD] load_font patch

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On Monday 17 January 2005 08:40, Robert Ohannessian wrote:
> > int get_font_begin(FONT *f)
> > int get_font_end(FONT *f)
> get_font_[character_]range_begin/end()?
> Begin seems rather vague to me.

Sounds sensible.

> > FONT *merge_fonts(FONT *f1, FONT *f2) 
> merge_font_[character_]ranges?

Here I'm not so sure, because you can't specify what ranges to merge... 
just the whole font. Actually, it would be trivial to change that, which 
may be even better because then you don't need to first create a duplicate 
font which you destroy immediately after.

> It probably won't support merging arbitrary fonts.

Depends largely on what the font driver supports. The merge_fonts() routine 
currently calls the corresponding routine from the first font vtable, and 
if that can't merge the two fonts (ie, returns NULL) it tries again with 
the second.
The monochrome font merger can only merge two monochrome fonts, but the 
colour font merger can upgrade a monochrome fonr to a coloured font as a 
special case.

But I agree that I can't see this working for, say, a TTF and a bitmapped 
font, although I suppose the TTF could downgrade itself to a bitmapped 


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