Re: [AD] mouse state variables and poll_mouse |
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> I've never needed it, but It seems odd to me that
> after you change to polling mode you cannot go back to
> assyncronous mode. Perhaps someday, someone might need
> to revert to assyncronous mode after using polling
> mode (eg., if the programmer wishes to offer to the
> user of his game the possibility of setting back and
> forth between assyncronous and polling mode).
I suppose one could argue that if it can be enabled, there would have to be
a way to disable it as well.
I don't have a strong opinion either way. If you think it's useful and
no-one objects, I'm ok with including this if you make a patch for it. Make
sure you also make one for the keyboard in that case.
Best to wait a bit to see if noone does object though.
> By the way, why does Allegro offers an assyncronous
> mouse state update? Isn't the polling mode alone
> enough?
Yes. The reason there's an asynchronous mode (which is the default) is, I
think, historical. The polling-mode was added with the idea that some
future platforms might need it.