Re: [AD] -Wno-unused

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-01-09 at 11:28 -0800, Dustin Dettmer
> wrote:
> > I compiled using gcc 3.4.3 on unix.  Is there a
> reason
> > this option is used?  It seems rather odd to me.
> > 
> Well, my guess is, there would be lots of warnings
> without it.. for code
> which is completely legitimate, e.g. the gui procs
> which don't use the c
> parameter.

According to my understanding, the correct way to
achieve that is be not including the variable name.

ie void foo(int*) { }
instead of void foo(int *i) { }

This stops the unused warnings under gcc 3.3+ and
compiles correctly.  I'm not sure if other compilers
follow the same syntax though.

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