Re: [AD] Allegro 4.1.18 WIP RC1

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> Whoops, unintended consequence of GetTitleBarInfo, sorry. Patch
> attached to use GetSystemMetrics instead - it's not quite as reliable
> (I believe with there are a few cases in XP where you can have
> differening title bar heights between windows), but since its function
> isn't trivial I might as well change it.
> / Tore

What have I been smoking? This is how that post _should_ have read:

"Whoops, unintended consequence of GetTitleBarInfo, sorry. Patch
attached to use GetSystemMetrics instead - it's not quite as reliable
(I believe there are a few cases in XP where you can have
_differing_ title bar heights between windows), but since its function
isn't _critical_ I might as well change it."


Feed me a stray cat.

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