Re: [AD] Allegro 4.1.18 WIP RC1

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Evert Glebbeek:
> I've uploaded the files for the 4.1.18 WIP release to http://
> Tested and work smoothly under Linux, 
> but not recently tested on other platforms. So if others can test and 
> conform that it works well, I will upload the files to SourceForge, 
> somewhere around fivish PM UT tomorrow.

Works fine with MinGW GCC 3.4.2.

> Attached are the 4.1.18 thanks and changelog diffs. Many first-time
> contributors this time, welcome! Daniel Schlyder has earned himself the 
> honourary `did plenty of other things too' (so nothing he does from now on 
> will be mentioned in thanks._tx. ;))

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my mother and father without
whose support this monumental achievement would... err, who am I kidding,
most of my patches have been trivial. I won't object strongly, though. :)

Daniel Schlyder

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