Re: [AD] MSVC long paths with spaces

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On Saturday 08 January 2005 11:09, Michal Molhanec wrote:
> So here is a real patch. It modifies fix.bat, msvc._tx and adds one new 
> file. The msvc._tx includes parts written by Phil Shenk submitted here 
> by Evert. As it doesn't modify any makefile I hope it does not brake 
> anything :-). Tested on WinXP + MSVC 7.1 (.NET 2003) + MinGW 3.4.2 and 
> on Win98 + MSVC 6.0 + MinGW 3.3.1 (it's not needed on this platform, but 
> it still works). My English in docs patch needs probably some 
cleaning :-)

Commited the attached patch, which is only slightly different where the 
wording in the docs is concerned.

? keyboard.dat
? language.dat
? src/fonttxt.c
Index: fix.bat
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/fix.bat,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -r1.12 fix.bat
--- fix.bat	21 Sep 2003 12:44:13 -0000	1.12
+++ fix.bat	16 Jan 2005 11:50:59 -0000
@@ -4,13 +4,21 @@
 rem and if possible converting text files from LF to CR/LF format.
 rem Test if there are too many args.
-if [%3] == []        goto arg2
+if [%4] == []        goto arg3
+goto help
+rem Test if third arg is ok.
+if [%3] == [--quick]     goto arg2
+if [%3] == [--msvcpaths] goto arg2
+if [%3] == []            goto arg2
 goto help
 rem Test if second arg is ok.
-if [%2] == [--quick] goto arg1
-if [%2] == []        goto arg1
+if [%2] == [--quick]     goto arg1
+if [%2] == [--msvcpaths] goto arg1
+if [%2] == []            goto arg1
 goto help
@@ -69,18 +77,39 @@
-echo Usage: fix platform [--quick]
+echo Usage: fix platform [--quick] [--msvcpaths]
 echo Where platform is one of: bcc32, djgpp, mingw32, msvc or watcom.
 echo The --quick parameter is used to turn off LF to CR/LF conversion.
+echo Use the --msvcpaths parameter if your MSVCDir variable contains 
+echo spaces (you can view content of that variable by typing 
+echo SET MSVCDir
+echo on the command line). Remember that this will only work if you
+echo have MinGW gcc in your PATH.
 goto end
+echo Converting MSVCDir path...
+gcc -s -o msvchelp.exe misc/msvchelp.c
+msvchelp MSVCDir
+del msvchelp.exe
+echo include makefile.helper >> makefile
+goto realtail
+if [%3] == [--msvcpaths] goto convertmsvcdir
+if [%2] == [--msvcpaths] goto convertmsvcdir
 rem Generate last line of makefile and optionally convert CR/LF.
 echo include makefile.all >> makefile
 if [%2] == [--quick] goto done
+if [%3] == [--quick] goto done
 if [%1] == [bcc32]   goto done
 if [%1] == [mingw32] goto done
Index: docs/src/build/msvc._tx
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/docs/src/build/msvc._tx,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 msvc._tx
--- docs/src/build/msvc._tx	26 Nov 2003 14:02:40 -0000	1.4
+++ docs/src/build/msvc._tx	16 Jan 2005 11:51:00 -0000
@@ -48,12 +48,13 @@
       <li>MinGW: compiler (mingw-runtime, gcc, binutils).<br>
 	 GNU make.<br>
 	 Optional: GNU sed. Used by "<tt>make depend</tt>" and "<tt>fixdll.bat</tt>".<br>
-	 Optional: GNU sort (textutils). Used by "<tt>fixdll.bat</tt>".<br><br>
+	 Optional: GNU sort (textutils). Used by "<tt>fixdll.bat</tt>".<br>
+	 Optional: w32api. See next section about details.<br><br>
       <li>Cygwin: compiler (cygwin, gcc, binutils).<br>
 	 GNU make.<br>
 	 Optional: GNU sed. Used by "<tt>make depend</tt>" and "<tt></tt>"<br>
-	 Optional: GNU sort (textutils). Used by "<tt></tt>".<br><bt>
+	 Optional: GNU sort (textutils). Used by "<tt></tt>".<br><br>
    Allegro should work ok with MSVC versions 4, 5, 6 and 7.
@@ -79,6 +80,9 @@
    install the packages (run <tt>setup.exe</tt> once more). When setup asks you which
    line endings you want, select unix-style instead of DOS.
+   Remember that the chosen set of tools have to be on your PATH during the
+   building of Allegro.
@@ -94,6 +98,27 @@
    Windows 2000, you will have to run this file every time you open a DOS box
    or configure the environment variables in Control Panel/System/Environment.
+   The make process needs all the path variables to be in DOS 8.3 format, and
+   since MSVC is usually installed in something like
+   "<tt>C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003</tt>",
+   this will cause a problem. Run "<tt>echo %MSVCDir%</tt>" from the command
+   line to see if you have this problem. If you are using MSVC 6 or lower the
+   output should already be in DOS 8.3 format so you should not have any
+   troubles. With higher versions of MSVC it will probably show the long path
+   with spaces. There are two solutions for this.
+   If you have chosen MinGW and have installed it with the w32api package
+   you can solve this problem simply by passing to <tt>--msvcpaths</tt>
+   parameter to <tt>fix.bat</tt> (see below).
+   Otherwise if you are using <tt>vcvars32.bat</tt>, you will have to
+   edit it so that it sets the 8.3 paths, not the long versions.
+   To get 8.3 path names, you can use the command prompt (<tt>cmd.exe</tt>).
+   Type in "<tt>dir /x</tt>" to get a listing of the 8.3 file and directory
+   names alongside of their full names. You can also use the DOS prompt
+   (<tt>command.exe</tt>) and "<tt>dir</tt>", but this will only show
+   you the 8.3 names.
    If you are using Cygwin as the GNU environment, start the Cygwin bash shell
    from the command prompt (if you used the command prompt to run <tt>vcvars32.bat</tt>
    then you must start Cygwin in the same command-prompt window you used to
@@ -103,7 +128,9 @@
    Go to the directory where you have installed Allegro by using '<tt>cd</tt>'.
    If you are using Cygwin, type "<tt>./ msvc --utod</tt>". Otherwise (i.e if
-   you are using DJGPP or MinGW), type "<tt>fix.bat msvc</tt>".
+   you are using DJGPP or MinGW), type "<tt>fix.bat msvc</tt>". If you are 
+   using MinGW and want the <tt>fix.bat</tt> to solve problems with long paths,
+   type "<tt>fix.bat msvc --msvcpaths</tt>".
    If you are compiling from CVS, before continuing you must run both
    "<tt>make depend</tt>" and "<tt>misc/</tt>" as explained below, or the build will

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