Re: [AD] MSVC long paths with spaces

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So here is a real patch. It modifies fix.bat, msvc._tx and adds one new file. The msvc._tx includes parts written by Phil Shenk submitted here by Evert. As it doesn't modify any makefile I hope it does not brake anything :-). Tested on WinXP + MSVC 7.1 (.NET 2003) + MinGW 3.4.2 and on Win98 + MSVC 6.0 + MinGW 3.3.1 (it's not needed on this platform, but it still works). My English in docs patch needs probably some cleaning :-)

Difference from the previous patch is that the conversion of msvcdir is optional and has to be explicitly requested when running fix.bat by additional fix.bat argument (which is described in the docs).


Attachment: msvc.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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