[AD] Allegro internal underscore breakage

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I was just browsing through allegro/src/win/wwnd.c, when I noticed that 
none of the global functions there use underscores as their first 
character, although they are internal library functions. I'm not too 
bothered by functions such as init_directx_window()  or void 
win_set_window(HWND wnd) (although they too should really have the _ 
prefix), but I am concerned about

void restore_window_style(void)
int adjust_window(int w, int h)
void save_window_pos(void)

as there's nothing in their name that suggests that they're internal 
Allegro Windows-specific functions. Even worse, I can easily imagine a 
user declaring similar symbols for his own program.
I'll make a patch for this in a little while and check for other such 
`broken' functions.


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