Re: [AD] CVS freeze and 4.1.17

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
I will be doing some final commit to the tree later today or early tomorrow (has anyone had a look at the mouse pointer patch I posted?). Tomorrow afternoon, I will grab the CVS tree and prepare it for 4.1.17 WIP. If there are no problems, this will go life on sunday, December 5th. Please make sure all CVS commits that you feel should be in there are commited before December 4th, approx. 13.00 GMT.

I still haven't committed the "optimized blitting between color depths" patch or the "patch for rotate.c" (those are message subjects in this mailing list). My computer is currently in a reinstallation-of-everything-in-progress state so I probably can't do it in time. If anyone else can commit them would be cool. (But I have no hurry to put them in this wip so I don't mind to commit them later.)


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