Re: [AD] XIM patch for Allegro 4.1.x

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> (1) I like it :-)

Good :-)

> (2) exkeys behave strangely when it asks you to hold numbers, but the KEY_0
> and co. constants don't mean numbers anymore :-) I wonder if we should
> remove/change this part ? Maybe even all the parts of the examples that make
> assumptions about the keyboard layout ?

Odd. Can you run the debug version, and send me allegro.log? Currently
it prints out which X11 Keysym it maps to which Allegro KEY_* constant
- so probably we can just add the keys. I'm assuming the digits are
reported by X11 as secondary keys, so could just add a check for

> (3) pressing a dead key (like ^) seems to set key[0]. No one is supposed to be
> looking into key[0], but I just though I'd mention it.

Hm, not sure. I'll investigate. A deadkey should produce a KEY_* hit,
but without unicode (and without adding anything in the keyboard
buffer), and the next key then should create a KEY_* and the composed
unicode. I may be using 0 instead of the KEY_* currently.

> (4) Are you going to implement scancode_to_ascii() ? This is a very usefull
> function, for example to display meaningful key names in a
> controls-configuration screen. Even more so now that a lot of KEY_* constants
> have lost their meaning...

I was going to add a scancode_to_ascii, which would just map e.g.
KEY_A to A. But it should be possible to create a reverse lookup
table, and provide the actual ascii - I'll add it.

> (5) The changes made to the X port seem to have broken AllegroGL :-( Some of
> its examples work, but other crash. In my current project, if I call
> install_keyboard(), there are things that fails for no apparent reasons...

Hm.. this sounds bad. Probably has to do with X locking. I'll try to
investigate, but NVidia's drivers are broken for my card.

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