Re: [AD] XIM patch for Allegro 4.1.x

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> It appears to work fine with the XWIN gfx driver.  However, modifiers 
> keys don't work at all for me with the DGA2 driver.  Does it work for 
> you?  If not, you can pull in the workaround that I used in the 
> new_api_branch (look for "state_field_reliable" in xkeybdnu.c).

I did that, but named the parameter "xdga2_hack".

About SCIM, I have it installed here now - but I have to enable it from
the right-click menu before it is active. Do you set an environment
variable to activate it for a program, not within the program? Or is
there a way to activate it for a running program from the outside? I
guess, these two cases could be supported by Allegro.. but I don't see
it as that important. Until 4.1.16, any non-English keyboard didn't work
in X11, so 4.1.17 should be a really big improvement already as is. And,
being able to input Chinese characters isn't that much fun for me, since
I don't know what they mean.. 阿了了俄个人哦 This I get when I type allegro :)

Elias Pschernig

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