Re: [AD] XOR drawing under X11 (and what is _xwin_in_gfx_call)

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Perhaps I should attach a proper patch. Sorry about that.
Index: src/x/xvtable.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/src/x/xvtable.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 xvtable.c
--- src/x/xvtable.c	30 Oct 2004 22:44:57 -0000	1.17
+++ src/x/xvtable.c	26 Nov 2004 01:05:31 -0000
@@ -61,28 +61,159 @@
 void _xwin_drawing_mode(void)
-   if (!_xwin.matching_formats) {
-      if (_drawing_mode == DRAW_MODE_SOLID)
-	 _xwin.drawing_mode_ok = TRUE;
-      else
-	 _xwin.drawing_mode_ok = FALSE;
-      _xwin.real_drawing_mode = GXcopy;
-      XSetState(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, 0, 0, GXcopy, -1);
-      return;
-   }
-   _xwin.drawing_mode_ok = TRUE;
-   if(_drawing_mode == DRAW_MODE_SOLID)
-      _xwin.real_drawing_mode = GXcopy;
-   else if (_drawing_mode == DRAW_MODE_XOR)
-      _xwin.real_drawing_mode = GXxor;
-   else {
+   /* Only SOLID can be handled directly by X11. */
+   if(_xwin.matching_formats && _drawing_mode == DRAW_MODE_SOLID)
+      _xwin.drawing_mode_ok = TRUE;
+   else
       _xwin.drawing_mode_ok = FALSE;
-      _xwin.real_drawing_mode = GXcopy;
-   }
+/* Direct X11 version of the function. */
+static inline int _xwin_direct_putpixel(BITMAP *dst, int dx, int dy, int color)
+   if (!_xwin.drawing_mode_ok)
+      return 0;
+   dx += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dy += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   if((dx >= _xwin.screen_width) || (dx < 0) ||
+      (dy >= _xwin.screen_height) || (dy < 0))
+      return 1;
+   XLOCK();
+   XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
+   XDrawPoint(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx, dy);
+   XUNLOCK();
+   return 1;
+/* Direct X11 version of the function. */
+static inline int _xwin_direct_hline(BITMAP *dst, int dx1, int dy, int dx2, int color)
+   if (!_xwin.drawing_mode_ok)
+      return 0;
+   dx1 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dx2 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dy += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   if (dx1 < 0)
+      dx1 = 0;
+   if (dx2 >= _xwin.screen_width)
+      dx2 = _xwin.screen_width - 1;
+   if ((dx1 > dx2) || (dy < 0) || (dy >= _xwin.screen_height))
+      return 1;
+   XLOCK();
+   XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
+   XDrawLine(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx1, dy, dx2, dy);
+   XUNLOCK();;
+   return 1;
+/* Direct X11 version of the function. */
+static inline int _xwin_direct_vline(BITMAP *dst, int dx, int dy1, int dy2, int color)
+   if (!_xwin.drawing_mode_ok)
+      return 0;
+   dx += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dy1 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   dy2 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   if (dy1 < 0)
+      dy1 = 0;
+   if (dy2 >= _xwin.screen_height)
+      dy2 = _xwin.screen_height - 1;
+   if ((dy1 > dy2) || (dx < 0) || (dx >= _xwin.screen_width))
+      return 1;
+   XLOCK();
+   XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
+   XDrawLine(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx, dy1, dx, dy2);
+   XUNLOCK();
+   return 1;
+/* Direct X11 version of the function. */
+static inline int _xwin_direct_rectfill(BITMAP *dst, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int color)
+   if (!_xwin.drawing_mode_ok)
+      return 0;
+   dx1 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dx2 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dy1 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   dy2 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   if (dx1 < 0)
+      dx1 = 0;
+   if (dx2 >= _xwin.screen_width)
+      dx2 = _xwin.screen_width - 1;
+   if (dx1 > dx2)
+      return 1;
+   if (dy1 < 0)
+      dy1 = 0;
+   if (dy2 >= _xwin.screen_height)
+      dy2 = _xwin.screen_height - 1;
+   if (dy1 > dy2)
+      return 1;
+   XLOCK();
+   XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
+   XFillRectangle(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1+1, dy2-dy1+1);
+   XUNLOCK();
-   XSetState(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, 0, 0, _xwin.real_drawing_mode, -1);
+   return 1;
+/* Direct X11 version of the function. */
+static inline int _xwin_direct_clear_to_color(BITMAP *dst, int color)
+   int dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
+   if (!_xwin.drawing_mode_ok)
+      return 0;
+   dx1 = dst->cl + dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dx2 = dst->cr + dst->x_ofs - 1 - _xwin.scroll_x;
+   dy1 = dst->ct + dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   dy2 = dst->cb + dst->y_ofs - 1 - _xwin.scroll_y;
+   if (dx1 < 0)
+      dx1 = 0;
+   if (dx2 >= _xwin.screen_width)
+      dx2 = _xwin.screen_width - 1;
+   if (dx1 > dx2)
+      return 1;
+   if (dy1 < 0)
+      dy1 = 0;
+   if (dy2 >= _xwin.screen_height)
+      dy2 = _xwin.screen_height - 1;
+   if (dy1 > dy2)
+      return 1;
+   XLOCK();
+   XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
+   XFillRectangle(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1+1, dy2-dy1+1);
+   XUNLOCK();
+   return 1;
@@ -152,13 +283,7 @@
 static void _xwin_update_video_bitmap(BITMAP *dst, int x, int y, int w, int h)
-   if (_xwin.real_drawing_mode != GXcopy)
-      XSetState(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, 0, 0, GXcopy, -1);
    _xwin_update_screen(x + dst->x_ofs, y + dst->y_ofs, w, h);
-   if (_xwin.real_drawing_mode != GXcopy)
-      XSetState(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, 0, 0, _xwin.real_drawing_mode, -1);
@@ -180,22 +305,10 @@
    _xwin_vtable.putpixel(dst, dx, dy, color);
    _xwin_in_gfx_call = 0;
-   if (_xwin.matching_formats && _xwin.drawing_mode_ok)
-   {
-      dx += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      dy += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      if((dx >= _xwin.screen_width) || (dx < 0) || 
-	 (dy >= _xwin.screen_height) || (dy < 0))
-	 return;
+   if (_xwin_direct_putpixel(dst, dx, dy, color))
+      return;
-      _xwin_lock(NULL);
-      XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
-      XDrawPoint(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx, dy);
-      _xwin_unlock(NULL);
-   }
-   else
-      _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx, dy, 1, 1);
+   _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx, dy, 1, 1);
@@ -229,25 +342,10 @@
    _xwin_vtable.hline(dst, dx1, dy, dx2, color);
    _xwin_in_gfx_call = 0;
-   if (_xwin.matching_formats && _xwin.drawing_mode_ok) {
-      dx1 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      dx2 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      dy += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      if (dx1 < 0)
-	 dx1 = 0;
-      if (dx2 >= _xwin.screen_width)
-	 dx2 = _xwin.screen_width - 1;
-      if ((dx1 > dx2) || (dy < 0) || (dy >= _xwin.screen_height))
-	 return;
+   if (_xwin_direct_hline(dst, dx1, dy, dx2, color))
+      return;
-      _xwin_lock(NULL);
-      XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
-      XDrawLine(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx1, dy, dx2, dy);
-      _xwin_unlock(NULL);
-   }
-   else
-      _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx1, dy, dx2 - dx1 + 1, 1);
+   _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx1, dy, dx2 - dx1 + 1, 1);
@@ -281,25 +379,10 @@
    _xwin_vtable.vline(dst, dx, dy1, dy2, color);
    _xwin_in_gfx_call = 0;
-   if (_xwin.matching_formats && _xwin.drawing_mode_ok) {
-      dx += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      dy1 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      dy2 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      if (dy1 < 0)
-	 dy1 = 0;
-      if (dy2 >= _xwin.screen_height)
-	 dy2 = _xwin.screen_height - 1;
-      if ((dy1 > dy2) || (dx < 0) || (dx >= _xwin.screen_width))
-	 return;
+   if (_xwin_direct_vline(dst, dx, dy1, dy2, color))
+      return;
-      _xwin_lock(NULL);
-      XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
-      XDrawLine(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx, dy1, dx, dy2);
-      _xwin_unlock(NULL);
-   }
-   else
-      _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx, dy1, 1, dy2 - dy1 + 1);
+   _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx, dy1, 1, dy2 - dy1 + 1);
@@ -346,33 +429,10 @@
    _xwin_vtable.rectfill(dst, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, color);
    _xwin_in_gfx_call = 0;
-   if (_xwin.matching_formats && _xwin.drawing_mode_ok) {
-      dx1 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      dx2 += dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      dy1 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      dy2 += dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      if (dx1 < 0)
-	 dx1 = 0;
-      if (dx2 >= _xwin.screen_width)
-	 dx2 = _xwin.screen_width - 1;
-      if (dx1 > dx2)
-	 return;
-      if (dy1 < 0)
-	 dy1 = 0;
-      if (dy2 >= _xwin.screen_height)
-	 dy2 = _xwin.screen_height - 1;
-      if (dy1 > dy2)
-	 return;
+   if (_xwin_direct_rectfill(dst, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, color))
+      return;
-      _xwin_lock(NULL);
-      XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
-      XFillRectangle(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1+1, dy2-dy1+1);
-      _xwin_unlock(NULL);
-   }
-   else
-      _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx1, dy1, dx2 - dx1 + 1, dy2 - dy1 + 1);
+   _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dx1, dy1, dx2 - dx1 + 1, dy2 - dy1 + 1);
@@ -391,33 +451,10 @@
    _xwin_vtable.clear_to_color(dst, color);
    _xwin_in_gfx_call = 0;
-   if (_xwin.matching_formats && (_drawing_mode == DRAW_MODE_SOLID)) {
-      int dx1 = dst->cl + dst->x_ofs - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      int dx2 = dst->cr + dst->x_ofs - 1 - _xwin.scroll_x;
-      int dy1 = dst->ct + dst->y_ofs - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      int dy2 = dst->cb + dst->y_ofs - 1 - _xwin.scroll_y;
-      if (dx1 < 0)
-	 dx1 = 0;
-      if (dx2 >= _xwin.screen_width)
-	 dx2 = _xwin.screen_width - 1;
-      if (dx1 > dx2)
-	 return;
-      if (dy1 < 0)
-	 dy1 = 0;
-      if (dy2 >= _xwin.screen_height)
-	 dy2 = _xwin.screen_height - 1;
-      if (dy1 > dy2)
-	 return;
+   if (_xwin_direct_clear_to_color(dst, color))
+      return;
-      _xwin_lock(NULL);
-      XSetForeground(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, color);
-      XFillRectangle(_xwin.display, _xwin.window, _xwin.gc, dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1+1, dy2-dy1+1);
-      _xwin_unlock(NULL);
-   }
-   else
-      _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dst->cl, dst->ct, dst->cr - dst->cl, dst->cb - dst->ct);
+   _xwin_update_video_bitmap(dst, dst->cl, dst->ct, dst->cr - dst->cl, dst->cb - dst->ct);
Index: src/x/xwin.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/src/x/xwin.c,v
retrieving revision 1.81
diff -u -r1.81 xwin.c
--- src/x/xwin.c	20 Nov 2004 16:42:42 -0000	1.81
+++ src/x/xwin.c	26 Nov 2004 01:05:32 -0000
@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@
    XWIN_DEFAULT_APPLICATION_NAME,       /* application_name */
    XWIN_DEFAULT_APPLICATION_CLASS,      /* application_class */
-   GXcopy,      /* real_drawing_mode */
    TRUE,        /* drawing_mode_ok */
@@ -2313,11 +2312,9 @@
 	    (*_xwin_mouse_interrupt)(0, 0, 0, mouse_buttons);
       case Expose:
-	 XSetState(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, 0, 0, GXcopy, -1);
 	 /* Request to redraw part of the window.  */
 	 (*_xwin_window_redrawer)(event->xexpose.x, event->xexpose.y,
 				     event->xexpose.width, event->xexpose.height);
-	 XSetState(_xwin.display, _xwin.gc, 0, 0, _xwin.real_drawing_mode, -1);
       case MappingNotify:
 	 /* Keyboard mapping changed.  */
Index: include/xalleg.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/include/xalleg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 xalleg.h
--- include/xalleg.h	30 Oct 2004 23:00:54 -0000	1.21
+++ include/xalleg.h	26 Nov 2004 01:05:32 -0000
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
    char application_name[1024];
    char application_class[1024];
-   int real_drawing_mode;
    int drawing_mode_ok;

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