Re: [AD] grabber ._txification

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On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 17:26 +0200, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > Commited. I added the change of to makefile.all for
> > other platforms to build these documents as well.
> > 
> Thanks. Now the next step will be, cleaning it up a bit. I'll read
> through it again and fix references, doubled information, and so on.

Well, finally, I did as promised. The attached patch

- merges the "Using datafiles" node in the datafiles section with
"Accessing datafiles" in the grabber description, or rather, almost
replaces the former with the latter, since it was more detailed.

- moves "Custom objects" away from the grabber docs to the datafiles

- links mentionings of "grabber.txt" to "grabber.html" in the HTML
version, like is done for "readme.txt"

- documents DAT_ID, which seems to have been undocumented.

- puts the various options in dat._tx on their own lines, and the dat
example calls into <textblock>s.

I'm aware that it could still be cleaned up further.. but I'll do this
step by step :)

Elias Pschernig

Attachment: grabberdoc.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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