Re: [AD] GIF patent / support

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On 2004-10-04, Elias Pschernig <allefant@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Maybe the question should be changed into: Why can't allegro read

Proposed patch.

Index: docs/src/faq._tx
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/docs/src/faq._tx,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.37 faq._tx
--- docs/src/faq._tx	28 Apr 2004 08:30:21 -0000	1.37
+++ docs/src/faq._tx	7 Oct 2004 07:46:05 -0000
@@ -651,12 +651,15 @@
-@@   Why can't Allegro read GIF files?
+@@   Why can't Allegro read GIF/PNG/JPG/XXX files out of the box?
-      Unisys has a patent on the LZW compression algorithm that is used by 
-      the GIF format. We want everything in Allegro to be freely usable 
-      without any restrictions whatsoever, which means we can't include any 
-      code that is subject to licensing or the payment of royalties.
+      Most likely license issues. Allegro's giftware license is too
+      permissive to easily include third party software. Even if the license
+      of some file format was compatible, the Allegro developers have decided
+      to not include further file format support into Allegro. They can be
+      writen as addons using register_bitmap_file_type(). For available
+      addons, browse the Libraries section of the website
+      <link></a>.
 @@   My program crashes all the time. Could this be a bug in Allegro?

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