Re: [AD] Docs and set_gfx_mode

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> 2.  when i use the links at the top of a page to find a function, the
> browser jumps to the link, but if its at the bottom of the page, my target
> link does not appear at the top of the browser window, so it feels like i
> have gone to the wrong place, i then need to read all the other targets on
> the page to find which one i clicked on..  solution:  place a lot of blank
> lines at the bottom of the HTML pages, so lcicked links always appear at
> the top of browsers.

That's a problem of your browser though.. not sure we should work around
browser bugs.

every browser i have tried does it.. if all browsers do it, then the document is the problem.

 Blank lines at the bottom of every page might cause other

such as ?

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