[AD] BITMAP vtable questions and X

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In my quest to speed up X's vtable drawing code, I've run into a few snags. First seems to be that if I'm going to be drawing to X directly, it means that the X11 driver will no longer be capable of a virtual screen, or creating bitmaps outside of the screen area (unless there's some X function to do this, anyway). This does unfortunately mean page flipping and triple buffering are gone, along with scrolling.

Though I am now faced with the task of filling in the "screen" bitmap's vtable. The simpler ones I have done.. putpixel, hline, vline, rectfill, and clear_to_color. My first question is, how is clear_to_color supposed to behave? Currently, I have it clearing the whole bitmap, regardless of the clipping region.. is it supposed to ignore the clipping region? And if not, can I just use the clipping extents as the area to clip, or do I need to take special precautions?

As well, what about the various blit_* functions? Are they supposed to be able to handle converting between different color depths, or is that handled somewhere else in the lib?

What else can you tell me about the BITMAP vtable and its functions that I should know about?

- Kitty Cat

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