Re: [AD] set_palette and vsync in X |
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On Monday 23 August 2004 11:00, Chris wrote:
> Do any of the docs mention this behavior?
No, I was speculating - sorry, I think I should have said that more
> Actually, we say not to use vsync or rest to control game speed. Using
> retrace_count is actually a good idea, IMO, /if/ you can be sure the
> speed it's running at is suitable for your game logic (ie. you wouldn't
> want it to be 85 if your logic wants 60).
Doesn't the rate at which it is updated depend on the system and display
mode selected (if it's counting actual refreshes, that is)?
Anyway I think your patch makes sense, so I'll apply it.
> > Also, the second paragraph contains a lot of very old DOS-specific
> > information, which I guess can be purged by now.
> I agree.
Patch attached. There's quite a few more DOSisms in the docs that could
either be removed, or reworded/expanded.
Index: docs/src/allegro._tx
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/docs/src/allegro._tx,v
retrieving revision 1.247
diff -u -r1.247 allegro._tx
--- docs/src/allegro._tx 22 Aug 2004 01:57:13 -0000 1.247
+++ docs/src/allegro._tx 23 Aug 2004 09:17:46 -0000
@@ -2479,11 +2479,6 @@
incremented 70 times a second. This provides a way of controlling
the speed of your program without installing user timer functions.
- The speed of retraces varies depending on the graphics mode. In mode 13h
- and 200/400 line mode-X resolutions there are 70 retraces a second, and
- in 240/480 line modes there are 60. It can be as low as 50 (in 376x282
- mode) or as high as 92 (in 400x300 mode).
@@void @rest(unsigned int time);
@xref install_timer, rest_callback
@xref vsync, d_yield_proc