Re: [AD] demo of new timer API (unix only)

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> >I'm guessing that the old timer stuff 
> >should eventually be moved to a compat.c compatibility file? Or may 
> >in an src/compat subdirectory once there are more files for which 
> >compatibility wrappers are needed?
> src/compat sounds good.  Unfortunately CVS doesn't understand renames, 

Pity... although, if that's where we're going to put backward-compatibility 
wrappers, it should be mostly ok.

> As part of the new API, I'm fine with it.  But any cross-platform thread 
> API is going to be very common denominator -- useful, sure, but we must 
> allow room for users to use native thread APIs instead.  Low coupling 
> between various parts of the API is a good goal anyway.

Yeah, this alone makes it a worthwhile goal, I think.
Personally, when I want to use threads, I tend to stick to pthreads, which 
is also available in Windows. Most users will probably do something 
similar, although if the API is there internally we might as well expose 


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